Thursday 11 March 2010

exciting times!

I was completely flabbergasted the other night, when as I scrolled idly through a marketing email from notonthehighstreet I saw THREE of my products! Something Wonderful Design on notonthehighstreet

Since then the orders have been flooding in. Exciting times indeed.. it could have been better timed though, as all four of my children have birthdays in the next 10 weeks.... admittedly the twins is on the same day, but nevertheless! The cupboards therefore are full of goodies I have been stockpiling in preparation for a ballet party, an easter party and a pirate party...................

The only thing is, as a creative control freak, I have to do everything myself! hence the linoprint party invites.... though I draw the line at painting a ballerina, so am currently bidding on a gorgeous vintage poster on ebay to use for 'pin the tiara on the ballerina'

Luckily I am getting a fair bit of help in the planning department from my soon to be 8 year old, who has been writing long lists of party games. The well known 'pass the melting easter egg' anyone? 'Musical Rabbits?' Wish me luck............

Sunday 7 March 2010

vintage inspiration!

vintage dresses, jackets, jewellery, bags... coffee and cakes.... friends (but hurrah no children for a few hours!) what a lovely way to spend a morning. However, the dress I really wanted was slightly out of my price range with its £190 price tag, so I contented myself with a long browse, and promptly went to the car boot sale, at the market every Sunday and bought THIS for £1
and THESE fab tea cards. The poor guy selling them must have got fed up with me standing there for ages picking out individual ones (they were 5p each) so offered me the whole box for a fiver. I am planning to use them as tags... I think....