Friday 19 February 2010

chickens with sparkly cardigans

The title of this blog entry may seem a little abstract, until you see the picture below...
I have to say it has been one of the highlights of half term, to see a whole group of battery chickens wearing their hand-knitted (I assume bespoke!) cardigans, at a delightful little ramshackle farm we visited with friends.
Other joys were a full hour of sunshine- the children needed no more entertainment than a rusty tractor and a fallen log to keep them happy... combined with chocolate cakes, what more could one ask..........


  1. I've never seen a chicken in a knitted jumper before :)
    There was a time mine would be a happy with a rusty tractor, if only they were so easily pleased now ;-D

  2. what a funny sight indeed...
    i love it that on one part of the world you are longing for a patch of sun while over here we are running to get out of it! i swear my legs were burning from the heat of the road yesterday and the sweat from my back was dripping onto my legs! ick! and that was at school pick up time...

    hope you have a sunny week regardless of the weather :)
    %*_*% rosey

  3. I nominated you for a blog award! :)

    Jen x

    PS Loving the hens ;)

  4. Thanks for your comments all you lovely people!

    I must say it was my first viewing of a chicken in knitwear too, and what knitwear it was. Alexander McQueen would have been proud.....

    Thanks also for your wishes of sunshine. Its hard to imagine wanting it cooler! I can hardly remember feeling too hot...

    And big thanks for the blog award- wow, I am so honoured! You are too kind, really you are.... xxx
